I'll keep this one short and precise! Or atleast I'll try.
So God has a sense of humor. I began writing this post and barely a minute in, a blind man comes up to the shop where I work for some loose change. He isn't the first to come over begging for change yet he is the first who didn't remain silent like all the others. He was talking to his companion the whole time wearing that "do you have something to put in this jar cause I have things to do" look! :-))))
Then one of our customers watching him says, "he cant see but he looks like a man who has sight."
Wow! When he said that I immediately thought of all those times I too looked like a person with good sight when all along I was blind [spiritually].
I remembered a line in an old hymn, "I was blind but now I see."
I honestly thought my sight was fully restored the day I gave my life to Christ.
I saw His glory and I saw how blind I had been all along. I thought I was seeing right!
Well the scales may have fallen, yet seeing is a PROCESS in any believers life.
[Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face
to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully
known. 1 Corinthians 13:12]
Just recently I was thinking about how the way I SEE GOD affects how I see everyone and everything else.
If I keep my eyes on God, when a problem arises, I'll only see it as an opportunity to see Him manifest His power.
If I keep my eyes on God, trials aren't dreadful because they are simply a way for the Holy Spirit to work His gifts within me.
If I keep my eyes on God, weakness is really just a chance for Christ' power to be made perfect in Him being my strength.
If I keep my eyes on God, I am able to reach out to hurting people instead of seeing them as "people with issues!"
If I keep my eyes on God, when need arises in another persons life and they ask of my help, I am then able and eager to meet it instead of seeing those people as burdens.
If I keep my eyes on God, a child asking questions even when I'm busy isn't a disturbance but the blessing of a very inquisitive child.
If I keep my eyes on God, a baby crying isn't a headache but a baby simply communicating!
Seeing God changes everything!!
In essence seeing GOD is what we call FAITH.
Looking at what is before us, and choosing to SEE Him in it.
Looking at what ISN'T and still choosing to SEE HIM.
Faith is spiritual sight!
And I'm excited to SEE GOD, every day, in every way that He can be seen.
JOB 19:26-And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God;
Inspired. Love it. Hope you don't mind me sharing! :)