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Just a blogger who loves God.


Saturday, 13 April 2013

The JOY Tug of war!

Oh Joy! Sweet Joy! How will I ever get a hold on you? And when I get you, show me how I can keep you!

I don't know if any you wrestle for joy as often as I do. Joy just doesn't come, you've got to want it to have it. I've been reading a book [in breaks] called 1000 gifts by Ann Voskamp. It has honestly opened my eyes and heart to the power of giving thanks. There is a need for us to constantly count all our blessings. There is a need for us to be thankful to God at all times, for the good and the bad. The beauty is that the bad is honestly the good in disguise because nothing ever happens to us without the Father giving consent. By knowing this, I am at rest because as long as God is behind it, allowing it or causing it, it will ALL work out for my good and HIS GLORY. So I repeat yet again, I MUST BE THANKFUL.

Now my mind has finally understood and perceived this amazing truth, but there are days.....oh yes....days I really don't want to be thankful. Days I want more than what I already have so that I may be happy. Days all this isn't enough. Oh how sad it is that we tend to be such ingrates! The story of eden repeats itself everyday. Like Adam and eve,the enemy has tricked us into believing that what we have isn't enough-into wanting more than we've been graciously given. Now there is no problem with wanting more, but there is a problem when you think what you have isn't enough and when you think the more you want is what is tied to your joy.
Such deception! Such lies! When the more comes, you will always want more, because the desires of an ungrateful person cannot be quenched. I am not even talking about having all the riches in the world. This post is for every person [like me] who forgets and looks down on what God has given them. This is a reminder to open your eyes and to fall face down in awe of how good and gracious God has been to you.

Praise Him for your portion. Praise Him for the ALL [trust me whoever you are if you're reading this, you are BLESSED in many ways and you need only open your eyes to see] Praise Him for being so mindful. Be grateful because God supplies all our needs according to His riches and glory, and all you have now is all that you need in this present moment!

In my case, I'm writing this and I can hear the Holy Spirit telling me, Jasmine stop complaining and worrying about how you'll get the money to fix that car or how you'll pay for the insurance, Rest, be grateful for it because I gave it to you. Jasmine stop coveting those cars you see others driving because they are NEW, unwrap the gift that is your little second hand pajero, begin to see it in a NEW light, and be grateful because its exactly what you need. Jasmine stop complaining about all the things that need fixing in your house, be grateful for the home I have given you.
Jasmine, BE GRATEFUL so that you may experience my JOY.

I listen, breath, exhale, and I know that I am blessed.
More will not do it. This is enough.
My joy is not tied to my possessions.
My joy is not tied to my feelings.
My joy is tied to the act of Thanksgiving.

Oh sweet amazing joy-I have you at last.

1 comment:

  1. very nice blog.
    very inspirational.
    Keep writing!
    check out my blog at rockingtherunway.blogspot.com
