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Just a blogger who loves God.


Thursday 28 April 2011

Thursday thoughts

20 years It took, You, Lord, I overlooked
20 years I shall give you now, every day I strive to know how!
Birth and baptism followed
I was innocent and timid, an extremist at shyness
I was invisible, humble and flawless
I was child, born, following in my sisters and anybody’s likeness
Like any last born babe, no identity and clueless

Time went by, the chubby girl with the long pretty hair, broke out of her shell too soon
As if trying to be a woman, I had worked hard to prove
Exposure to the wrong things and the wrong people
Exposure to fleshly desires, its worse than peer pressure
Girl met WORLD too soon, I was slowly groomed
WORLD showed me how to do wrong and care less
WORLD seduced my innocence and took advantage of my naivety

Years lost, pain attained, memories that cannot be erased
Thank God my savior came
He took the lust and replaced it with a thirst for His word
He took the fear and replaced it with assurance in His love
He took my sins, erased them, washed me over with His blood
Now I’m brought back from spiritual death like Lazarus
Not 3 or 4 days, but 20 years later

He dug me up, He holds me up and like Ecclesiastes 12:1

My youth I offer to Him, the Holy Son, The only One!

Don't let the excitement of youth cause you to forget your Creator. Honor him in your youth before you grow old and say, "Life is not pleasant anymore."



Tuesday 5 April 2011

This aint for Coloured girls alone, no comparison to a Tyler Perry flic!

I’m a long shot from doing anything close to a Maya Angelou piece

I’m just trying to speak freely and express what’s within

The thoughts, insights, desires and teachings

Share to women, not because I’m a feminist

But speak to those willing to listen to a sister who’s been through it

SELF esteem issues, time to throw them out the window

Breathe some confidence all up in your soul, no more tears on that pillow

Look around me, and all I see are women so filled with less joy than sorrows

Carrying around the burdens of their loved ones and their own

Dealing with life’s curve balls the wrong way

Never seeing the beauty her whole frame portrays

God didn’t take time to create a mere Frankenstein

He made you in His image; you’re WORTH more than dime

Worth more than rubies and precious stones

Yet you struggle with feeling WHOLE!

You hate the mirrors reflection, it depicts the physical

Your beauty lies inside, it’s deep and spiritual

I don’t mean LOVE the profound and HATE the visible-NO!

Your curves, your smile, that birthmark on your lip is where it should be

I repeat, made in His image, my God aint UGLY

You betta love your thighs, hips, all up to your eyes

More than anything, work on your inside

Stick to scripture, not those media lies

Learn from real women, Ruth& Esther, Mary is to be admired

A virgin in the physical, yet her ways were all so purified

Esther showed she could be both beautiful and wise

Her adequacy was found in God-second Corinthians three: five

Ruth made it to Jesus’ bloodline

Only Through her love and loyalty, talk about the ultimate price

Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.
(I guess Proverbs 31:31 applies)

Beyonce and Oprah Winfrey are idols, lets not get caught up in their Ungodly virtues, don’t make them your role models!

66 books are more than enough for you to establish your identity in Christ, the only one you should pursue!

He loves you, love yourself!

Let Him work and prepare you for the godly spouse you deserve

True love awaits -My girl Lovelynda defined it as Beauty and the priest, away with the beast!

I love the sound of it!

Let’s stop with in vain crushes, useless flirting and the constant reawakening of love

Going against what our Father once told us three times, not even once

In the songs of Solomon 2:7, 8:4 and 3:5!

Urging and charging us, our love shouldn’t be reawakened till its time

So no more finding of SELF worth in Men, magazines and TV screens

No more SELFish acts of finding love on our own, when we belong to the King

No more false SELF perceptions and SELF righteousness

We need more SELF control and SELF discipline

Out with the Low SELF esteem, DENY yourSELF and follow Him like LUKE 9: twenty three

Get some GOD ESTEEM!