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Just a blogger who loves God.


Monday 25 March 2013


As my adam sleeps, I too put my love to sleep, many times I nudge it to get up
Wake up love, wake up!
Wake up to infatuation, I think he's the one!
Wake up to lust, I'm attracted to this one!
Wake up to my past, I think we can work it out!
Wake up LOVE wake up!

Impatient I have been. Love has been too patient with me
Lieing at the feet of another womans Boaz
Picking the wheat in another mans field

My hearts keeper watching me closely, guarding the wellspring of my life
Promising to make things beautiful in His time, He whispers closely to my ear, that he has a good and perfect gift and that it shall be mine
Perceive, I think not, why do I search for other peoples gifts?
My heart is deceitful and it has plans
My master is faithful and He has perfect ones

Attention I seek, affection I crave
I dig my hearts grave
6 feet under in the soil of emotions
I let them lead me, I race and make haste
Their way seems right but it leads me to a broken place
Another broken heart
Another wound, more hurt

Bruised, my heart needs healing
Love needs to rest
I sing it a lullaby with my tears
Rock it to bed on a pillow of fear.

Fear to love again, Fear to give again. Fear to believe AGAIN.
But PERFECT love has no fear and I need to allow AGAPE to drive it all away


Monday thoughts! My monday TRUTH!

I don’t think I know of any one who doesn’t go through the motions of life. There is a song I listen too often, called “lows and highs” by S.O and Leah Smith. It is the epitome of how I feel half the time. Many are the days one finds themselves questioning God what their purpose on earth is. My prayer everyday is for God to give all of my days meaning. I am terrified by the thought of merely existing and missing out on the abundant life Jesus died to give me. Yet I desire not to live by this fear since the righteous must live by faith.

I’ll put it in perspective/I was waking up at night asking am I still elected/Or rather was I ever, wanting to die since that’s better than living life as a hostage in time/Am I crossing the line?/Here’s some thoughts in my mind/This the lowest that I’ve been caught up in a rhyme/

It is so easy to doubt your calling. I must confess there are days I feel like a complete failure and these are the times I need God Himself to affirm me. Encouraging words from a friend sometimes doesn’t cut it. My maker has to come closely to my ear and whisper those life giving words. “I am for you. You matter. There is a calling over your life. You are where you need to be. I don’t know about you but God sure has a way with words. Makes perfect sense why HE IS THE WORD-The very breathe of life.

 The reality is that life isn’t easy but the truth is that God is good. The Christian walk in itself is a tough one. I am truly thankful that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Our strength though dark and dim days. I always say that joy is a wrestle. You can’t be passive about it, it just doesn’t happen. You have to want it to receive it. 

You’ve heard the term “the devil is a liar.” Well he is and a very good one at that. When the enemy is fabricating all sorts of lies concerning who I am and why I am here and my heart is deceived into believing them, I must be keen to remind myself of the TRUTH. The truth is what God says about me. The truth is not a mere fact. The truth is Higher than what I’m feeling. The truth is eternal so it doesn’t have an expiry date. The truth doesn’t change. The truth IS. 

In every waking moment, the TRUTH IS, because God IS.  It is readily available for me at all times, and I must simply be AWARE OF IT. Anytime I feel low and downcast, it is only because I have forgotten and walked away from the TRUTH.

The truth is that God foreknew me before He formed me. The truth is that I am made in His image and likeness. The truth is that I am called and chosen by Him. The truth is that I am His masterpiece and He has created me with different gifts that He is calling forth and has purposed to use for His glory. The truth is that He alone is the author and finisher of my faith and that He clearly isn’t finished with me yet.

So my fellow brethren, what have you allowed to define you today?
Return to the TRUTH. I will remind each one of you that your story isn’t over. Keep seeking Him in all you do. Keep chasing after His heart. He alone holds your purpose. He has many good plans for you and you must begin trusting and stop questioning. Your purpose is unfolding everyday and you must ask God to open your eyes to it. It is beautiful and it is perfect. Just have faith especially when you can’t see it.

Jeremiah 29:11