I entertain compliments from men,
I love to gain attention from them
When they take time to notice my hair and outfit
But even more when they say I look attractive, Repulsive , would be the antonym that I would rather not receive
Lovely would be the synonym to it, whose acronym would simply mean:
L etting
O thers
V erify
E verything
L acking
Y/I nside
So Maybe I replaced the Y with the I
Especially since I am empty and living on the words from other guys
Feeding my insecurities and self esteem issues through identity-approvals from sweet lies
I am the woman who reacts to AFFECTION
Stage 1: Affiliation
Time spent
Stage two: nurturance
Public embrace
Stage three: Comes the play
I’m flirting on a regular, every single day
But affection just turned to the waking up of LOVE
Ive AROUSED it enough
Even after been URGED and CHARGED not to, by my Father above
Not once, but three times
In the songs of solomon 2:7, 8:4 and 3:5
Or atleast I think
He being the man who was simply flirting, taking it lightly
Not knowing that I, us women would react differently to being treated differently by him
He didn’t know when He sent those midnight or early morning texts
That I would read way in between the lines,
Looking for the COMPLEX meaning/what he was trying to say in such simple CONTEXT
Such as ……………ARE YOU ASLEEP!?
Believe it or not women, that’s all it takes
For your LOVE to wake
Falling in LOVE/ rather infatuated by the IMAGE
Of a photo never really taken
Thinking He is the one, the soul-mate,
Convinced its meant to be
But with such a beginning
I only have one question
WOULD CHRIST play with your feelings?
So this GUY AINT IT!

In fear of the next beating
In fear because I tend to offend Him
No! we’re not really married, but He needs me
And I love Him, just as He is
I can change him!
Let God handle it!
My dear Eve, Adam wasn’t a wife beater
Be free and leave, especially if there is no ring!!
I am woman [ALONE]

Im by myself, awaiting pregnancy results
Yes I repeat, by myself
He was too busy to come
Woman I only wish He was too busy for the sex you had last mth
But now you say you understand Him
Well understand this, this man doesn’t want a baby
And he surely doesn’t want you as his lady
Desperate, incomplete, afraid, unhappy –IDENTITY NEEDED!
Used, broken hearted, bruised and left to be by myself- HELP ME PLEASE!
Then in comes Christ ready to redeem you
Ready to show you the TRUTH- Your prefer LIES
Ready to show you the WAY- you take a different approach and run AWAY
Ready to give you NEW LIFE!-you’d rather just DIE!

Not because I deserved it
But because at that desperate point I let him IN
For I was the immoral woman at His feet,
Washing them with my hair and tears, till He forgave me
I was the woman about to be stoned by society
Spoken about and loathed, such hypocrisy, and again HE SAVED ME
I was the woman at the well,
Never lived right, a gentiles destiny should have been pure hell
But thank heavens for this Jewish God who allowed me to draw from Him
His living waters instead, as stated in john 7:38
For anyone who believes in me may come and drink!
'Rivers of living water will flow from His heart.'"
Now I am quenched
Now I find refreshing times drawing daily from His word
Each day I learn how to be a woman, VIRTUOUS
How to walk like the ESTHERS, RUTHs AND MARYS before me
I strive to be BOLD, LOYAL AND PURE like they proved to be
Warm and humble like Lydia
A woman of great character like Abigail
One who shall not run ahead of God like Sarah
But who shall wait on Gods promise for as long as it takes, JASMINE
I shall not be driven by my feelings
I shall not pursue so called romances and thrills
The last ones at the cross and the first ones at the tomb!
Free from sin indeed!